Friday, May 9, 2008

Embroidery factory...again

For those who have done any embroidery or sewing I just had to add a little bit more about the Hunan factory we visited. Read the previous post first.
They take one thread of silk and split it into up to 150 teeny tiny threads - can you imagine? I have a hard time taking that DMC floss and splitting it into 3 or 6 pieces.
See how the color lines are very distinct in the petals. Notice how the colors blend and look very life-like. There was a statue of the lady who invented this type of embroidery and some of the work she'd done. Maybe that is old news for those who have done a lot of embroidery but I was rather impressed with my jr. high skill level.
This is an embroidery of Deng Xiaopeng (pardon me if I spelled it wrong). They did it after he died and they were trying to make it look like a photograph - and they did. You can't even tell until you get very very close that those are little teeny threads. So remarkable that there are women (they are all women) who have that kind of patience.

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