Well, I'm not sure if anyone is reading this blog anymore since I pretty much fell off of the edge of the blogging world for awhile. I have been meaning to post but when I go to blogger the log-in page is all in Chinese characters. It did that when we went to China and has never changed back. So that has delayed me a bit trying to figure out how to get into this blog again.
Abby has been home for just over 2 months now. It has been an interesting transition. First, I must say the kids have been amazing. They all adore Abby and have been completely loving and supportive to her as she tries to accept and attach to our family. They look forward to seeing her each morning and Hannah can hardly stand to leave her alone long enough to take a nap. Today Hannah asked why we only have one baby and can we get just 3 more??
My job has been trying to help Abby "attach". My dear friend Cyndie wrote a very insightful post about attachment - if you want to understand it better read this - www.dobsondaily.blogspot.com
read the post titled "Blogging is down, attachment is up" July 17. You can also read her following post for a sweet attachment experience. Really you should read her whole blog about her experience in China - she had some incredible experiences and shares some insights that are so touching. (I need to figure out how to do links right - can anyone help me with that?)
As for us, we're still attaching. Abby actually is probably attached to me - but she is insecure. She's a bit anxious at times and so we're still working - fortunately for me, my friends Cyndie and Melissa have coached me over the phone and we'll be spending some time with them soon to figure out how we can help Abby feel more secure and safe.
I've had visions of cute photos with my girls in matching dresses - but as you can see above - Abby is totally NOT going for it. If I am in the room and not holding her she is TICKED! Actually things have improved in the last 2 weeks so maybe soon I'll get my cute photo. She is liking the kids and Shawn enough to allow them to hold her for short periods of time. I'll post more soon about summer fun with all of the kids.